Spinal pain; neck and back problems related to posture, work, degenerative changes, car accidents, post surgery
Shoulder; Rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, impingement, postural shoulder pain, myofascial trigger point pain, following dislocation
Elbow; tennis and golfers elbow, overuse /work related problems, post fracture and soft tissue injury, tendonopathy
Wrist/hand; arthritis overuse injuries, carpal tunnel, post surgery, pain/symptoms coming from the neck, sports injuries
Sports Injuries; muscle tears and strains , ligament injuries, running injuries, following surgery eg cruciate ligament repair, Achilles tendon reconstruction, rotator cuff repair etc, hip impingement surgery
Arthritic conditions especially following hip and knee replacement
Strengthening programmes BEFORE/AFTER surgery
Strengthening programmes to avoid surgery with biomechanical exam (home management programmes)
Feet; plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, calf tightness, ankle sprains, biomechanical pain
Tendinopathy; rotator cuff, tennis & golfers elbow, gluteal, achilles, patellar…….
Menopause Lifestyle Advice/Ex prescription; menopause is a time in EVERY woman’s life which involves profound changes both physically, emotionally and mentally. As a physio with an interest in this area -we can advise on significant lifestlye changes which can have a positive effect on the 40 sysmptoms of menopause and improve your overall quality of life (with or without HRT) .
Declining hormones also have a significant effect on muscles and tendons and joints -and even for the fittest of women – changes may be needed in their training plans allowing for extra recovery time and reducing the possibility of overload on tendons, joints etc